We had music class today. Afterwards, we went to lunch with Danny, Leila and Grace and their mommies. Then Mommy picked up a big box from the mailbox. It was addressed to me! It was from Grandmommy Rotton. Inside, there was a teddy bear as big as me!


Daddy has been feeding me applesauce lately. It’s really tart and I make a funny face when I start eating. But I eat it anyway because it’s yummy!

I can sit up all by myself if I really try. It’s really cool. But once I’m up, sometimes I fall over, and I hit my head on the floor and that hurts. Ouch.

Today Mommy took me to Donna and Henry’s house. We had lots of fun. We went for a walk around the neighborhood and I slept in Mommy’s carrier.

When we came home, Grandma Lolo was there! She was there to play with me while Mommy and Daddy did some baby-proofing. I wonder what that means.

Mommy took me to the doctor today for my checkup. I weigh 19 lbs. 4 oz. I got more shots and they hurt.

More rain!

Wow, it’s rainy today. Mommy says it’s what’s left of Tropical Storm Tammy. We have to drive all the way home to Silver Spring in it. In the meantime, we’ve been stopping at a couple of more stores that Mommy, Daddy and Grandma wanted to go to. Mommy left her rain coat home, and got very wet.