
Today is Friday the 13th, which is supposed to be an unlucky day. But Mommy says I’m her good luck charm!


Mommy and Daddy (mostly Daddy) have fed me a lot of yummy stuff over the past few months. Sweet potatoes, apple sauce, peaches, bananas, zuchini (that’s a funny name), and green beans are just some of the yummy things I’ve eaten. Pretty much, there hasn’t been anything Mommy and Daddy have fed me that I haven’t liked.

Until now.

Daddy tried to feed me something called “cottage cheese,” and boy, was that yucky! It tasted really bad so I kept it all under my tongue so I wouldn’t taste it. Then I spit it out onto my bib.

Mommy took me swimming today. It was a swim class especially for babies, and there were three other babies in the class with me. It was a lot of fun. I got to splash around and chase a plastic fishy and all sorts of stuff. I can’t wait to go again next week!

I’ve discovered a knob on Mommy and Daddy’s stereo that makes the music get quieter if I turn it to the left, and louder if I turn it to the right. I always turn it to the right. I wonder if this thing goes to 11?


Grandma Lolo and Uncle Boo are staying with us today, and then they’re going to drive back to Florida tomorrow morning. Today, they played with me while Mommy was at her job. I had lots of fun with Uncle Boo. He makes silly faces.

Today Mommy took me to Grandma Lolo’s house. Uncle Boo was there, too. I slept most of the drive up. In the evening, we went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant where they cooked the food right in front of us and the cook made a volcano out of an onion. That was really neat.

I was really tired, so I went to bed. Mommy and Grandma went out to see a movie while Uncle Boo stayed home with me. I didn’t wake up though because I was comfy in my crib.

Who has time to nap when there is so much standing to do!


I was crawling around on the floor today, but then I slipped and I fell on my face and cut my lip. It wasn’t very bad, and I only cried a little bit, but it still wasn’t fun.

Then Mommy and Daddy took me on a trip. We went out exploring and drove up north to a town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. Mommy says there’s a lot of stuff there about something called the Civil War because a really big battle was fought there. But we just had lunch and did a little shopping. Then we came home.

Merry Christmas!

So this is what this Christmas thing is all about!!!

I woke up this morning and Mommy brought me downstairs where we opened a whole bunch of presents! Grandma Wendy got me some cool books, fuzzy stuffed animals like Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, and pretty clothes. Grandma Lolo got me a toy choo-choo train and a book about space that my Uncle Boo can read to me. Uncle Boo got me a toy workshop that makes lots of noise. And Santa Claus got me a bunch of stuff too, like a bongo drum and a Winnie the Pooh activity tree. Wow, talk about toy overload!

I got Daddy some things too, like a mousepad with my picture on it and a funny book about taking care of kids. (Mommy helped with those.)

Then at night, Chanukah started. Mommy lit some pretty candles and said that every night for the next eight nights we’d light more and more.

This was so much fun, I wish it could be Christmas and Chanukah every day!


