Just Call Me Onesock!

That’s the new nickname Mommy gave me, because I’m always taking one sock off.

Today Mommy took me to the library for Cuddle-Ups, and we sang songs and did bounces and tickles. There were a lot of other kids there too and we had a lot of fun!

Pink Eye Again

When Mommy got me up this morning, she saw that I had pink eye again. She had to take me to the doctor and I had to get more medicine. The medicine goes in my eyes and I don’t really like that. I fuss a lot but Mommy gets it in anyway. Daddy helps her.

Mommy took me outside again to play in the snow. Again, I was like “What’s going on?” but then she plopped me on top of a snow bank and I got to see all the snow all of the courtyard. Then I slid down the courtyard which was fun. I crawled around where the snow wasn’t too deep which was fun and made me laugh.


Whoever came up with the “plog” idea on Amazon.com should be shot. Talk about ANNOYING!!! Yo, Amazon, MAKE IT GO AWAY!!

Today was Little Gym day. We did more somersaults and flipped on the high bar. My favorite part is near the end when the teacher blows bubbles in the air. They’re cool to look at.

Let it Snow!

We got a lot of snow last night, and I mean a lot of snow. The snow in the courtyard this morning was almost as deep as I am tall! (Mommy said it was about 16 inches, which is a whole lot.)

Mommy bundled me up in my snowsuit and took me outside to play (pictures coming later). I wasn’t really sure what to think but there were some other kids playing so I thought it must be all right. I fussed a little because it was cold, but I still had fun. Mommy and I made a snow man and then she made snowballs and threw them across the courtyard.

Speak English already!!

To the arrogant putzes at NBC…

Do we call the country Italia? Is its capital Roma? Were previous Olympics held in Moskva, Muenchen or Athine? Do we call this the “Shroud of Torino.”


So learn to speak English already and call it Turin.


Today is my 10 month birthday. We were supposed to go to waterbabies class today, but I’ve had a runny nose so Mommy didn’t take me today.

Today we went to Little Gym. Mommy tried to get me to walk on the balance beam, but I kept sitting down instead. Then we played baby foosball. All the mommies held their babies up at their waists and swung us so that we kicked balls back and forth. It was a lot of fun!