Monthly Archives: January 2006

No storytime.

Whenever we’re at Grandma’s house on a Friday, Mommy takes me over to the children’s bookstore for storytime. This time, Grandma came with us, but there was no storytime! The store was closed, so we went home.

Later, though, I got to see all the ladies from Grandma’s office again and then we went for a walk in the park.

Mommy is taking me up to Grandma Lolo’s house today. We’re going to spend a few days with her while Mommy helps Grandma fix her stereo.


So I have this crawling thing figured out, and standing is pretty cool too. Now I’m working on moving from place to place on my feet. Of course, I’m still holding onto things like Mommy and Daddy’s stereo cabinet and my exersaucer. I don’t think I’m ready to fly solo quite yet. But soon, man, soon!


Mommy and Daddy (mostly Daddy) have fed me a lot of yummy stuff over the past few months. Sweet potatoes, apple sauce, peaches, bananas, zuchini (that’s a funny name), and green beans are just some of the yummy things I’ve eaten. Pretty much, there hasn’t been anything Mommy and Daddy have fed me that I haven’t liked.

Until now.

Daddy tried to feed me something called “cottage cheese,” and boy, was that yucky! It tasted really bad so I kept it all under my tongue so I wouldn’t taste it. Then I spit it out onto my bib.

Mommy took me swimming today. It was a swim class especially for babies, and there were three other babies in the class with me. It was a lot of fun. I got to splash around and chase a plastic fishy and all sorts of stuff. I can’t wait to go again next week!

I’ve discovered a knob on Mommy and Daddy’s stereo that makes the music get quieter if I turn it to the left, and louder if I turn it to the right. I always turn it to the right. I wonder if this thing goes to 11?
