Whew! What a busy day I had! First, Mommy had to take Daddy to the airport for a meeting, and I got to tag along. That was a long drive!

Then, Mommy and I went to exercise class. The room was very hot, but we had fun. I got to meet a bunch of other babies like Lauren, Wyatt and Jack. We had a good time.

Grandma Lolo and Unkie Boo were here today. Mommy and Grandma took me to a store to buy fabric for some new carrier that Mommy is going to make for me. Then we all went to a restaurant to eat lunch. I was good and didn’t cry, much.

We all went to the mall today so that Daddy could get his hair cut. Now his hair is really short.

Eat. Sleep. Burp. Poop.

Another typical day in the life of a baby.

I really don’t like tummy time, but Mommy keeps making me do it anyway. Well tonight I decided that because I didn’t like it, I’d flip over onto my back, and I did!!! But then, Mommy put me back on my tummy again. :-(

Doctor Visit

I’m two months old today! Woo-hoo!

Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor today for a check-up. The nurse said I was 24 inches tall and weighed 13 pounds. Mommy says that’s big for a baby my age.

The doctor was very nice. She listened to my heart and looked in my ears and eyes. Then another nurse came in and stuck me four times!! That hurt a lot and I cried!

Road Trip

Yesterday, Mommy and Daddy took me to a place called Virginia. It’s the first time I’ve been anywhere outside of Maryland.

Today I was talking to my mommy, but she kept repeating everything I said like an idiot.

Kung-Fu Baby

Mommy had me on her lap today and was doing all sorts of kung-fu movements with my arms. It was so silly that I laughed!

Tennis, Anyone?

Sometimes, when I’m sitting on my mommy’s lap, I keep turning my head from side to side, over and over again. My mommy says I’m watching a tennis match that only I can see. Of course, I don’t know what a tennis match is.

Rub a Dub Dub

Mommy and I went for a walk around the courtyard today. Mommy put me in her sling and I got to see trees and grass and flowers.

Also, Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath tonight. I like taking baths. The water in the tub is warm and after the bath I get to wear my green robe and booties.