Daddy-Baby Day

Last night was really rough. I didn’t want to sleep by myself in my crib, but Mommy didn’t feel well and said that she couldn’t sleep on the mattress with me. So I cried even though she and Daddy tried to get me back to sleep.

But in the morning, Mommy went off to go to a new job and we had Daddy-Baby day. I took a nap next to Daddy and we played together.

Today was yoga class again. After class, Mommy took me downtown to meet Daddy for lunch. Except that I fell asleep and slept all through lunch. But Daddy was glad to see me!

Woo Hoo!

I’m seven months old today! I can do lots of neat stuff now like sit up all by myself and even crawl. Well, I can sorta crawl. I go a little bit and then I fall on my tummy.

I’m Awake! I’m Asleep!

Mommy and Daddy were watching football after I went to bed. Daddy said to Mommy that it was 11:30 and I hadn’t woken up yet. So, I woke up and started crying.

But when Daddy came upstairs to see why I was crying, I fell back asleep again.


School, Already?

Mommy and Daddy took me to a place called a “school” today. Mommy says they wanted to look at it to see if I should go there someday. There were classrooms, a playground, lots of neat toys, and even horses there! It looked pretty neat.

Pretty Leaves

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to Brookside Gardens again. We took a walk around and looked at the pretty leaves turning colors and falling off the trees.


Today is my first Halloween, but Mommy didn’t take me out Trick or Treating. Instead, we went to the library for Cuddle-Ups. I wore my Winnie the Pooh outfit. Henry and Donna were there, and Henry was dressed up like a pumpkin. There was also a duck and a lady bug.

Then, Mommy took me a lot of places because she had a lot of errands to do. Later, she took me to the supermarket where she got a flu shot. She didn’t even cry or anything!

Mommy and I like to play this game. It’s called “Get These Things Off My Feet.” How it works is this: Mommy puts something on my feet. Sometimes they’re called “slippers,” other times they’re called “socks.” Then I try to get them off. Sometimes I yank them off, but what’s really fun is to sit in my car seat and rub my feet together really hard until they fall off. Then Mommy puts them back on my feet. We play this game all day, but then Mommy gives up and I win! Hah hah hah!


Trick or Treat

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me to Downtown Silver Spring for their “Spooktacular.” I went as Winnie the Pooh. We went to Borders:

then to IA Etc.:

and then to Whole Foods where we listened to a man playing music:

It was lots of fun!

Today Mommy took me to the library for Cuddle-Ups. It was fun. We sang songs and said rhymes. Well, Mommy did. Mostly I just bounced on her knee.

Donna and Henry were at the library too. Afterwards, we went out to lunch near our house. Then we went to Soo Young and Calvin’s house. Calvin and I played. There were other babies there too: Henry, Benjamin and Ella. We had lots of fun and then Mommy took me to pick up Daddy at the Metro station.

That’s Calvin playing with my dragon fly.