We got our first accumulation of snow in the Washington area yesterday, making it Sasha’s first real snow day. Here are some shots of her and Sammy enjoying the snow.
You can get full size versions of these photos from Flickr.

We got our first accumulation of snow in the Washington area yesterday, making it Sasha’s first real snow day. Here are some shots of her and Sammy enjoying the snow.
You can get full size versions of these photos from Flickr.
Sasha is 6 months old today. Happy half-birthday, Sasha!
Okay, people of the Internets. I need your help. I’ve been offered by various family members a new notebook computer for my birthday, but I’m torn between two Apple offerings: the 15″ MacBook Pro and the 13″ MacBook. On one hand, I’m drooling over the lighter weight and smaller form factor of the 13″ MacBook and I’ve always thought that the MacBook Pro I have now was a bit overkill for me, at least when I got it (but at the time, it was the only Intel machine Apple offered). On the other hand, the graphics capabilities of the MacBook Pro are much better than its little sibling, and the higher screen real estate (which is what I’m used to now) would be useful when working with iPhoto and iMovie (two applications I’m using more and more).
Now, since this is going to be a gift, cost is not technically a factor, but I’d prefer not to break my benefactors’ banks. So asking for a MacBook would be a kinder request.
So what do you think? Please vote in my poll and help me decide. Thanks!
[poll id=”1″]
Sammy’s preschool class had a holiday show before Christmas. Here is the video of his stage debut.
(Everybody’s in pajamas because the show was held on “wear pajamas to school” day. Go figure.)